1- Construction of Baghdad – Kute Road 1956- 1958 with amount of ( 870,439 $ )
2- Construction of AL-Warrar Camp Stores 1960-1962 with amount of ( 687,321 $)
3- Construction of Ramadi – Haditha Road – Second Stage 1966-1967 with amount of ( 2,475,927 $)
4- Re-paving of AL-Habbaneyah airport runway 1967-1968 with amount of ( 1,864,329 $)
5- Construction of bridges on Ramadi – Haditha Road 1968-1970 with amount of ( 2,100,879 $)
6- Construction of Planes Shelters , AL-Rasheed Military Base Airport 1969
7- Construction of Haditha ammunition repositories , 1971
8- Construction of Habanyah ammunition repositories 1973
9- Construction of Ramadi Military Camp 1977
10- Construction of Runway of AL-Hadaba airport 1970-1971 with amount of 4,743,290 $
11- Construction of Ramadi – Haditha – Third Stage 1971-1+73 with amount of 3,198,650 $
12- Construction of AL-Qaem Akashat Road 65km on 1972-1974 with amount of 7,498,650 $
13- Construction of AL_Qayara Military airport base on 1974 with amount of 6,529,856 $
14- Construction of AL_Waleed Military airport base on 1977 with amount of 14,025,000 $
15- Construction of AL-Waleed Military Hospital on 1977 with amount of 14,200,000 $
16- Construction of Saad Military airport base on 1978 with amount of 19,658,300 $
17- Construction of a round and internal road of Saad Military airport base on 1978 with amount of 7,280,321
18- Implantation of telephone exchange for Saad Military airport base on 1979 with amount of 1,500,000 $
19- Rehabilitation of runways and airplanes parks of AL-Muthanna airport on 1983 with amount 17,529,809 $
20- Construction of the28;m Road which links AL-Habaneyah refinery with AL-Ramadi Tores on 1986 with amount of 6,610,000 $
21- Construction of sewage pipes networks of AL_Jumhuriyah Section , Basrah city on 1989-1992 with amount of 73,53,980 $
22- Construction of pivot irrigation system of AL_Jazerah – Mousil City on 1990 with amount of 67,439865 $
23- Construction of civil works of AL-Yousfiyah thermal power station on 1992 with amount of 8,219,650 $
24- Construction of 160 houses of Haditha Dam project 1978
25- Construction of Taji Camp Runway 1980
26- Construction of Abu Gharib Camp Runway 1980
27- Construction of AL-Rusafa potable water station on 1988-1991 with amount of 78,453,298 $
28- Construction of AL-Habanyah telephone exchange building on 2010 .
29- Paving of Nasruyah – Kut Road 90km, 1979
30- Paving of Nasryah Camp 1976
31- Construction of Imam Ali Militaty Base Airport Eunway 1979
32- Construction of Roads Networks , Abu Gharib Camp
33- Construction of Roads Networks , AL-Taji Camp
34- Construction of Road which lead to Nasryah Aluminum melter
35- Construction of Nasryah-Samawa Road 60Km 1990
36- Rehabilitation of Electric network of AL-Hoz , AL-Ramadi city
37- Implenetation of roads networks of 5 kilo section , AL-Ramadi City
38- Construction of Omer Bin AbdulAzizi Bridge 220 km of Anbar governorate
39- Construction of Buhruz bridge , Deyala governorate.
40- Construction of police stations in many cities of Anbar & Baghdad governorates
41- Design & Construction of AL-Farabi School 1300 m2, Anbar Governorate.
42- Design & implement of AL-Itizaz School 1300m2 , Habanyah , Anbar governorate.
43- Design & Construction of AL-Mazraa School , Anbar governorate
44- Design & Construction of Abu Assaf School 1300m2 , Anbar governorate
45- Design & Construction of AL-Amal Shaby School 1300 m2, Khalidy City
46- Construction of AL-Jazera Busniess works Building Center 1200 m2.
47- Design & Construction of AL-Ramadi Modern School 3500 m2
48- Design & Construction of AL-Qadisyah School , Anbar Governorate
49- Design & Construction of AL-Jafa School , Khalidyah , Anbar Governorate
50- Supply & Implement 6 Portable Sub-Stations , Capacity of 33/11 Kv , Anbar Governorate
51- Construction of Electric Power Transportation Network 132 KVA , Ramadi city , Anbar Governorate
52- Supply & Construction of Transportation netwok 400 KVA Baghdad – Haditha
53- Construction of Electric Transportation Network 132 KVA AL-Mansouryah-Yarmja, Mousil City
54- Paving of Khymah Road , Jajaf Governorate
55- Construction of AL-Hindyah Road , Karbala Governorat
56- Construction of Abu Gharib –Baghdad Road 20.6 Km , second & third Stages
57- Construction of soil threshold road between Naja & Karbal Governorates
58- Construction of Roads Networks inside Ramadi City
59- Paving Road No.6, Ramadi City , Anbar Governore
60- Paving AL-Iskan Road South of Ramadi City
61- Paving of Road No 6 , Ramadi City – Anbar Governorate
62- Paving Road No. 7 , Ramadi City, Anbar governorate
63- Supplying of Sewage Pipes of Falluga City , Anbar Governorate
64- Construction of Sewage piping Network of Sukkar Castle , Theqar Governorate
65- Construction of Enter River Station , Theqar Governorate
66- Supplying & Construction of Pumping Station 200m3 , Since Collage , Theqar Governorate
67- Construction of Transportation Potable Water Network , Saad Secrtion , Falluga City, Anbar Governorate
68- Construction of 10 Water Treatment Stations in Different Villages , Anbar Governorate
69- Supplying & Construction of Water Treatment 250 3 , Khalidyah , Anbar Governorate
70- Construction of 80 Communication Towers , Babel, Najaf,Anbar Governorates
71- Construction of 51 Communication Powers , Anbar Governorate
72- Construction of Kafat Sub-Station 33/11KV , Kut Governorate
73- Construction of 5Kilo city School , Ramadi 2006
74- Construction of Habanyah Health Center 2006
75- Rehabilitation of AL-Ramari Stadium 2008
76- Construction of Roads Network , 843 Section, Baghdad City , 2008
77- Paving of Road No 65 Abu Fida, Baghdad City, 2008
78- Paving of Rabeea Road, Unvircity Section , Baghdad City 2008
79- Rehabilitation of Steam Boilersof Phosphate State Company 2009
80- Supplying & Construction of Potable water 200m3 , AL-Sowra City, 2008
81- Supplying Construction of Potable Water Station 100m3, AL-Hamidyah Village
82- Construction of Stone Covering of Railway Hilla-Baghdad-Nasryah-Basrah